
یازدهم آبان ماه سال ۹۱ کلمه از بازداشت و ضرب و شتم ستار بهشتی توسط پلیس امنیتخبر داده بود و کمتر از یک هفته پس از آن خواهر این سبز گمنام اعلام کرد که از پلیس امنیت به وی اعلام کرده اند که که این جوان ۳۵ ساله جان خود را از دست داده و آنها باید روز آینده برای دریافت پیکرش مراجعه کنند.
پس از دو روز با انتشار سندیبا دستخط ستار بهشتی که در بند ۳۵۰ شکایت خود را از کسانی که وی را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده بودند این رفتار غیر انسانی و غیر قانونی محکوم و از سکوت مسئولان امر و رسانه های وابسته به قدرت در کشور انتقاد شد.
به گزارش کلمه، همان زمان زندانیان سیاسی محبوس در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوین با انتشار دو بیانیه ( + و + ) شهادت دادند که پیکر شکنجه شده ی ستار را دیده اند و از مسئولان خواستند که به جای ترساندن شاهدان جنایت پیگیر آنچه باشند که در سیستم قضایی و پلیس کشور در حال وقوع است. تلاش هایی که بالاخره نتیجه داد و هرچند به تبعید عابدینی، شاهدی که نزد بازپرس شهادت داده بود به آنچه دیده اما سخنگوی قوه قضاییه را وادار کرد که واکنش نشان دهد و اعلام کند که پیگیر ماجرا است.
بیش از یک سال از قتل یک کارگر وبلاگ نویس در بازداشت می گذرد و این روزها وکیل پرونده خبر می دهد دادگاه کیفری کارکنان دولت اتهام قتل عمد مامور پلیس فتا را در مرگ ستار بهشتی نپذیرفت و آن را شبه عمد تشخیص داد.
این در حالی است که مرداد ماه امسال مادر ستار بهشتی با انتقاد دوباره از روند رسیدگی به پرونده فرزندش، گفت که حسین رونقی ملکی، از زندانیان سیاسی؛ به وی گفته که آماده است تا در دادگاه به آنچه بر ستار در بازداشتگاه گذشته، شهادت دهد.
وی در گفت و گویی همان زمان تاکید کرد که ستار بهشتی در شبی که به صورت موقت به اوین منتقل شده بود، بدنش را برخی از زندانیان نشان داده بود و گفته بود که بازجویش وی را تهدید به مرگ کرده است.
اینک حسین رونقی، زندانی محبوس در بند ۳۵۰ که یکی از شاهدان آثار شکنجه بر بدن ستار بهشتی بوده و اعلام کرده بود که آماده ی شهادت در دادگاه است، با توجه به اینکه امکان حضور در دادگاه و ارائه ی شهادت خود را نیافته در نامه ای سرگشاده خطاب به قاضی ایزدی، رییس شعبه ۱۰۵۷ دادگاه کیفری ضمن اعلام دوباره آمادگی برای شهادت در خصوص این پرونده، مشاهدات خود را نوشته است.
شهادت نامه ای که از داخل زندان اوین هرچند که در واقع باید کارگشای حق طلبان برای یافتن حقیقت باشد باز هم بی جواب مانده است.
متن این شهادت که به مراجع قضایی نیز ارسال شده و اینک در اختیار کلمه قرار گرفته به شرح زیر است:
به: قاضی ایزدى، رییس شعبه ۱۰۵۷دادگاه کیفری
موضوع: اعلام آمادگى جهت گواهى و اداى توضیح در خصوص پرونده قتل مرحوم ستار بهشتى
با سلام و تقدیم احترام؛
اخیرا در زندان از طریق جراید مطلع شدهام که در جریان رسیدگى به پرونده قتل مرحوم ستار بهشتى اتهام «قتل عمد» را از عداد اتهامات منتسب به متهمان خارج کرده و عنوان اتهامى را به «قتل شبه عمد» تغییر دادهاید. بر این اساس به منظور تشحیذ خاطر آن مرجع محترم قضایى لازم دیدم از آنجا که در زندان محبوسم و امکان حضور در محکمه را ندارم، برخى از آنچه در این پرونده را یا به چشم دیده و یا از زبان آن مرحوم در بند ٣۵٠ زندان اوین -اندکى پیش از وقوع قتل- شنیدهام را براى اولین بار بیان دارم، به آن امید که در این مرحله از دادرسى به کشف حقیقت کمک کرده باشم و از این رو همین جا آمادگى خود را جهت حضور در محضر دادگاه و اداى گواهى و توضیح اعلام مى کنم.
البته اینجانب هیچگاه طرفدار مجازات هاى سالب حیات نبودهام اما آنچه همواره از آن حمایت کرده و بدان اعتقاد داشتهام، دادرسى عادلانه، کشف حقیقت و اجراى قانون با هدف اصلاح و پیشگیرى از نقض حقوق انسانها بوده است.
دادرس محترم
نکات آتى را به مقتضاى وظیفه انسانى و اخلاقىام بازگو مى کنم و امید آن دارم که به روشن شدن زوایاى پنهان این پرونده و نیز احیاى عدالت مدد رسانده باشم.
اینجانب اندکى پس از ورود مرحوم ستار بهشتى به بند ۳۵۰ اوین (تاریخ ۱۰ آبان) با وى آشنا شده و پس از گفتگوى کوتاهى متوجه شدم که وضعیت جسمى او بر اثر اتفاقاتى که حین دور اول بازجویىها (یعنى روزهاى ۱۰ آبان تا ۱۱ آبان) روى داده نامساعد و نگران کننده است.
اینجانب در همان شب حضور ستار در بند ٣۵٠ آثار و علایم زیر را بر روى بدن آن مرحوم مشاهده کردم:
-آثار آسیب دیدگى و کبودى بر روى مچ هاى هر دو دست که نتیجه آویزان کردن از سقف و دستند قپانى بود.
- تورم و کبودى شدید در بالاى پیشانى، سمت چپ سر آن مرحوم.
- آثار خون ریزى در چشم چپ.
- آثار کبودى روى صورت و جراحت روى لبها.
- آثار متعدد کبودى در ناحیه قفسه سینه، پهلو و شکم که نتیجه مشت و لگد بازجو بود.
- جراحت روى پاها و لنگیدن به هنگام راه رفتن.
- گلایه او از درد در ناحیه بیضه.
- سرگیجه و حالت تهوع.
همچنین مرحوم ستار بهشتى مطالب و جزییات تکان دهنده اى در باب نحوه رفتار بازجو عنوان کرد که شخصا با آنکه روایت هاى متعددى از شکنجه در پلیس امنیت شنیده بودم اما این میزان از خشونت و شدت عمل با توجه به نوع و سطح فعالیت ستار توجیه پذیر نبود. مرحوم ستار بهشتى نقل مى کرد که بازجو وى را در حالى که از سقف آویزان کرده بود مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده است؛ آن مرحوم که به شدت نگران تکرار شکنجهها بود اظهار مى کرد: «درحالى که دستبند قپانى به من زده بوده و روى زمین رهایم کرده بودند بازجو پا روى سرم گذاشته و به مادر و خواهرم فحاشى مى کرد». مرحوم بهشتى بیان مى کرد:
«در یک مورد دست و پایم را به صندلى بسته بودند و بازجو با مشت و لگد به جانم افتاده بود». ستار عنوان مى کرد که بازجو صراحتا به وى گفته بود: «مى کشمت و نمى گذارم زنده از اینجا بیرون بروى، حتى نمى گذارم جنازهات به دست مادرت برسد، تنها راهى که مى توانى از اینجا بیرون بروى و دوباره مادرت را ببینى همکارى با من است و اینکه آن چیزى را که من مى خواهم بگویى و بنویسى».
مرحوم ستار اظهار مى کرد که زخم روى گردناش به دلیل استفاده از شوک الکتریکى است که علاوه بر مشت، لگد و کابل براى شکنجه او استفاده شده بود. آن مرحوم با گلایه از درد بیضه اظهار مى داشت که در حین بازجویى و بعد از چند ضربه به شکم و بیضهاش در ادرار خود خون مشاهده کرده بود.
متاسفانه ایشان عنوان مى کرد که بازجو با اجبار به عریان شدن وى را تلویحا به آزار جنسى تهدید کرده بود.
جناب قاضى
پس از افشاى قتل در بازداشتگاه پلیس فتا مسئولان بارها عنوان کردند که مستند و موضوع اتهام ستار بهشتى مطالب منتشره در وبلاگش بوده است، اما جالب است بدانید این حد از شکنجه و رفتارهاى غیرقانونى بنا به گفته خود ستار نه با هدف اخذ اقرار در خصوص محتواى وبلاگ و یا حتى صفحه فیس بوک ستار بلکه به منظور اطلاع از نام کاربرى و رمز اشتراک او در فیس بوک و اعترافاتى در این زمینه بوده است. بنابراین محور بازجویى مطالب و محتواى وبلاگ و صفحه فیس بوک نبوده بلکه هدف غیرقانونى دستیابى به حریم خصوصى متهم انگیزه دو دور بازجویى توام با شکنجه و منجر به مرگ بوده است.
دادرس محترم
مى دانید که ستار بهشتى تنها چهار روز در بازداشت بود که یک روز آن نیز در بند ٣۵٠ اوین بدون بازجویى و شکنجه سپرى شد. شما اکنون عهده دار قضاوت هستید، وقتى فردى را در کمتر از ٣۶ ساعت تا این حد مورد ضرب و شتم قرار مى دهند و با تهدید به قتل که خود جرمى مجزاست، صراحتا به او مى گویند تو را مى کشیم، زندهات نمى گذاریم. و حتى در کلام خود در مورد سرنوشت جنازه فرد مضروب نیز اظهار نظر مى کنند، آیا مى توان از عدم وجود قصد و سوءنیت در قتل سخن گفت؟ آیا این مقدار خشونت و آزار و ایذاء جسمى و روحى «نوعا کشنده» نیست؟ آیا یک بازجو که على القاعده از این شیوه اعتراف گیرى مکررا استفاده کرده و آگاه به شدت ضربات خود و توان تحمل جسم افراد است مى تواند با سوءاستفاده از جایگاهاش با توسل به هر نوع ابزار شکنجه فیزیکى بر متهم بتازد و آنگاه در پیشگاه قانون مدعى عدم سوءنیت و تعمد شده و از عواقب عمل مجرمانه خود رهایى یابد؟!
اینجانب ضمن تکرار اعلام آمادگى جهت اداى این توضیحات در محضر دادگاه خواستار ثبت و رسیدگى به این وجیزه در آن مرجع محترم قضایى مى باشم.
با تشکر و تجدید احترام
سید حسین رونقى ملکی
زندان اوین
To Judge Izadi, Head of Branch 1057, Keyfari Court
Subject: Announcing preparedness to testify in the case regarding the
murder of the late Sattar Beheshti
murder of the late Sattar Beheshti
Greetings with respect,
Recently while in prison I was made aware by the press services that the
charge of premeditated murder has been dropped and changed to
quasi-intentional murder in the case examining the cause of death of
blogger Sattar Beheshti. Therefore since I do not have the opportunity of
attending the court due to being incarcerated, I deem it necessary to for
the first time, officially share what I witnessed and what I was told by
the victim when he was held in Ward 350 of Evin prison shortly before he
was murdered. I do so in the hopes that in this stage of the proceedings, I
can be helpful in disclosing the truth about the incident. I hereby declare
my readiness to serve as a witness in court in order to shed light on the
events that took place.
charge of premeditated murder has been dropped and changed to
quasi-intentional murder in the case examining the cause of death of
blogger Sattar Beheshti. Therefore since I do not have the opportunity of
attending the court due to being incarcerated, I deem it necessary to for
the first time, officially share what I witnessed and what I was told by
the victim when he was held in Ward 350 of Evin prison shortly before he
was murdered. I do so in the hopes that in this stage of the proceedings, I
can be helpful in disclosing the truth about the incident. I hereby declare
my readiness to serve as a witness in court in order to shed light on the
events that took place.
I have never been a proponent of the death penalty, but I have always been
steadfast in my belief in reform and enforcement of the law by preventing
violations of human rights through a fair trial.
steadfast in my belief in reform and enforcement of the law by preventing
violations of human rights through a fair trial.
Honorable Judge,
It is my moral obligation as a human being to help restore justice by
shedding light on some unknown aspects of the incident leading to this
shedding light on some unknown aspects of the incident leading to this
I met Sattar Beheshti shortly after he was transferred to Evin prison Ward
350 on October 31, 2012. After a brief conversation I noticed that his
physical condition was very dire and his disturbing state was a result of
the interrogations that had taken place on the 30th and 31st of October.
350 on October 31, 2012. After a brief conversation I noticed that his
physical condition was very dire and his disturbing state was a result of
the interrogations that had taken place on the 30th and 31st of October.
The night of October 31st while Sattar was in Ward 350, I was witness to
the prominent symptoms on his body resulting from the torture that had been
inflicted on him, as listed below:
the prominent symptoms on his body resulting from the torture that had been
inflicted on him, as listed below:
- Swollen and injured wrists with marked signs of being hung from the
- Severe swelling and bruising on the forehead (left side).
- Hemorrhaging in the left eye.
- Multiple deep bruises on his chest, flank, and abdomen from being punched
and kicked by the interrogator.
and kicked by the interrogator.
- Sore feet and limping when he attempted to walk.
- Severe pain in his testicles.
- Dizziness and nausea.
The late Sattar Beheshti shared shocking details about the behavior of his
interrogator. Even though I had heard narratives of the severe torture that
took place in the security police detention centers, it was surprising in
that Sattar’s alleged activities did not warrant the brutality and level of
violence used against him. Sattar Beheshti said that while he was hung from
the ceiling, his interrogator viciously beat him and he was very worried
that the beatings would be repeated. Sattar said, “I was handcuffed and
when they dropped me to the ground, the interrogator kept his foot on my
head as he cursed my mother and sister. Another time they had my arms and
legs tied to a chair as the interrogator incessantly punched me and kicked
me.” Sattar said the interrogator bluntly said to him, “I will kill you and
I will not allow you to leave here alive. I won’t even allow your corpse to
be delivered to your mother. The only way you can get out of here alive is
to cooperate with me by saying and writing what I demand.”
interrogator. Even though I had heard narratives of the severe torture that
took place in the security police detention centers, it was surprising in
that Sattar’s alleged activities did not warrant the brutality and level of
violence used against him. Sattar Beheshti said that while he was hung from
the ceiling, his interrogator viciously beat him and he was very worried
that the beatings would be repeated. Sattar said, “I was handcuffed and
when they dropped me to the ground, the interrogator kept his foot on my
head as he cursed my mother and sister. Another time they had my arms and
legs tied to a chair as the interrogator incessantly punched me and kicked
me.” Sattar said the interrogator bluntly said to him, “I will kill you and
I will not allow you to leave here alive. I won’t even allow your corpse to
be delivered to your mother. The only way you can get out of here alive is
to cooperate with me by saying and writing what I demand.”
Sattar Beheshti said that the injuries on his neck were from being punched
and tortured by using electric shock and cables. The deceased who was in
excruciating testicular pain said that after the blows to his stomach and
testicles he saw blood in his urine. He said the interrogator forced him to
get naked and threated him with sexual violence.
and tortured by using electric shock and cables. The deceased who was in
excruciating testicular pain said that after the blows to his stomach and
testicles he saw blood in his urine. He said the interrogator forced him to
get naked and threated him with sexual violence.
Your Honor,
After the murder of Sattar Beheshti at the FATA detention center was
exposed, the officials involved repeatedly claimed that the accused was
detained because of the content in his weblog. But it is interesting for
you to know that according to Sattar, the unlawful and brutal conduct of
the interrogators was not aimed at extracting a confession regarding the
content of his weblog or Facebook account. Sattar said the torture
inflicted on him was to coerce him into providing his username and password
on Facebook, and making other such disclosures. Therefore it is clear that
the focus of the interrogation was not to question what Sattar wrote in his
weblog or Facebook account, but rather it was to gain illegal access to his
privacy – which was the incentive for two rounds of severe interrogations
resulting in his death.
exposed, the officials involved repeatedly claimed that the accused was
detained because of the content in his weblog. But it is interesting for
you to know that according to Sattar, the unlawful and brutal conduct of
the interrogators was not aimed at extracting a confession regarding the
content of his weblog or Facebook account. Sattar said the torture
inflicted on him was to coerce him into providing his username and password
on Facebook, and making other such disclosures. Therefore it is clear that
the focus of the interrogation was not to question what Sattar wrote in his
weblog or Facebook account, but rather it was to gain illegal access to his
privacy – which was the incentive for two rounds of severe interrogations
resulting in his death.
Your Honor,
You are aware that Sattar Beheshti was in custody for only 4 days, one of
which was spent in Ward 350 of Evin prison without being interrogated. You
are now obligated to determine when a person is tortured this severely in
less than 36 hours; threatened with death – which is a crime in itself;
when he is boldly told by interrogators that they plan on killing him; told
what they will do with his corpse, is it conceivable to speak of the lack
of planning and premeditation in the murder? Or does a “typical killer” not
use this level of violence, abuse, physical and psychological torment? Is
an interrogator, who uses the excuse of trying to extract a confession and
is fully aware of the severity of his blows and the impact it has on a
person, who abuses his position and resorts to inflicting savage torture
through any means, then claims he had no ill intent and did not
deliberately commit the murder, vindicated of committing a crime that was a
direct result of his actions?!
which was spent in Ward 350 of Evin prison without being interrogated. You
are now obligated to determine when a person is tortured this severely in
less than 36 hours; threatened with death – which is a crime in itself;
when he is boldly told by interrogators that they plan on killing him; told
what they will do with his corpse, is it conceivable to speak of the lack
of planning and premeditation in the murder? Or does a “typical killer” not
use this level of violence, abuse, physical and psychological torment? Is
an interrogator, who uses the excuse of trying to extract a confession and
is fully aware of the severity of his blows and the impact it has on a
person, who abuses his position and resorts to inflicting savage torture
through any means, then claims he had no ill intent and did not
deliberately commit the murder, vindicated of committing a crime that was a
direct result of his actions?!
I hereby repeat that I am prepared to testify in court regarding what I
have said, and I respectfully request that the judiciary address this
matter and follow up on the case.
have said, and I respectfully request that the judiciary address this
matter and follow up on the case.
Yours respectfully,
Seyed Hossein Ronaghi Maleki
Seyed Hossein Ronaghi Maleki
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